Wednesday, February 4, 2009

COMM344 - Arts and Donors …Madoff equals the demise of the arts

South Florida once thought a Little New York and the second cultural capital on the United States is now in distress. In 2009 South Florida experienced Bernie Madoff combined his financial mis-dealing with a serious economic crisis that left the South Florida Cultural Society is in distress.

Madoff’s schemes, , finally revealed, has affected many South Florida arts programs not only the cultural arts but also the school arts programs. I personally know of one school system that has had to cancel EVERY arts associated field trip due to their INVESTEMENTS with this Ponsie Scam Artist. Add to that the demise of the Picower Foundation of Palm Beach, Florida, with nearly $1 billion in assets and a major contributor to non-profits across the nation.
South Florida, Madoff’s winter home, looks to take a serious hit from the unethical / immoral and underhanded dealings of Madoff. On his list of clients where non-profit organizations who invested with Mr. Madoff and now may suffer not only from the demise of their own investments but will also suffer from losing the support of foundations that previously donated regularly but are now broke because they too invested with Madoff.

Gone is the Era of Unbridled Trust for the remaining South Florida non-profit arts organizations that now have to hire a private investigator to ensure the firm / person they are investing the organizations money is legit. Not to mention the search has begun for hundreds of art associations to find the elusive individual donor that can help these deserving organizations recover from this financial crisis and possibly rebuild failing programs.
What is next for South Florida arts and culture programs?? No longer are the “I know your friend” investors acceptable and most investment firms are off limits. So what does that leave? That’s right a Plain Jane savings, aka Back to Basics Finances, that will guarantee emergency funds and the money is there to pay the bills.

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