Thursday, April 2, 2009

COMM344 - Its time for more Tea Parties…

I am not sure if anyone has been tracking the current trends but a old fashion concept has been resurrected. Shades of the days of the excise taxes imposed by England when a Boston Mass group of concerned citizens dumped tea overboard. we now have the modern version of the TEA PARTY where they are asking Americans to mail tea bags to their House of Representatives (HOR) and State Senators (SS) in Washington DC.

This grass roots organization wants the governing parties in DC to know that they are fed up with the way they spend our tax dollars and that they should abide by the same rules as we do. Which I for one have thought should have been happening for a long time.

Did you know that HOR and SS do not pay social security tax yet can get social security? Even more frightening is that once these people have left office they receive an annual salary from the tax payers for the rest of their life. Wow, where can I sign up to get a job that pays me even after I stop working.

We The People Stimulus Package is a hot topic video on You Tube. A gentleman dressed as did our founding fathers explains why the people of America should be so upset with the stimulus package. He asks outraged citizens to mail tea bags to their representatives in congress.

I did some checking on my own and found a great article by Michelle Malkin. Her article, Tea Party U.S.A.: The movement grows lists the growing movement by concerned American citizens including CNBC host Rick Santelli’s who is calling for a Chicago Tea Party.

How exciting a time for America, this is another thing that makes this country great. We can rally our American citizens to stand up for their 1st amendment rights and protest against the over taxing and spending taking place in the nations capital.

This is what makes America great…Freedom

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