Sunday, May 10, 2009

COMM314 - Jamestown Flood Research (2)

To assist me in my research on the flooding in Jamestown, North Dakota I have decide to find first-hand accounts of the flood from local citizens.

My friend Colleen was a former Valley City State University employee who still has many friends in the area. With her assistance we have reached out to several Jamestown residents to forward me their personal accounts of what took place prior to the floods, during the ordeal and what they see now. These first-hand accounts will supplement the data I have from federal and state officials and put a more personal spin on the research.
I am also interviewing Colleen and her husband for information on how the floods in Jamestown affected them and what they have done to assist the local North Dakota Community.
Another area where I am searching for data is the FEMA web site, this site will allow me to collect vital information on number of deaths, number of injuries, damage (estimates will come from federal and state officials), locations for the damage, names of dead and injured, etc. Although morbid, to me it seems like a deer in the headlights syndrome, people seem to want to know this information.

While I was surfing for information / research I came across Senator Kent’s web site. He had an interesting press release in which he stated “In North Dakota, we are facing an assault of flood waters unlike anything we have ever seen. From east to west, communities large and small have been battling record level flood waters. While the recovery has begun in some communities, others are continuing the flood fight,” Senator Conrad said. “The federal government has been a key player in the response from day one. It must be a vital player in the recovery as well.”

May have to add federal employees to my list of people to research...


  1. I really like your idea of interviewing local people who lived through it. I might (at this 12th hour) incorporate that into my project as well. I also appreciate the sources you've found even though you are so far away. I appreciate the ideas since I had not thought of Senator Conrad's site or of FEMA for that matter. Great resources!

    Since this is the last blog for the class, I wanted to take this opportunity to say how I always appreciated the graphics you added to your blog. It made it visually fun to read. Good luck in the future!

  2. First hand accounts of the flood are the best way to really get what the flood was all about. It is a great idea to help with your paper. Senator Konrad's quote is a great find. It's hard to believe how many communities were affected by the flood.

    I agree that your pictures in your blog are excellent. Blogging was a new experience for me and its interesting all the different things that can make a blog more appealing.

  3. I think that it is great that you are doing your paper on the flood fight in Jamestown. I don’t think they got nearly the amount of press that Fargo and Valley City got. I twill be interesting to see what the residents have to say about the severity of the flood. I heard from friends in Jamestown that the flooding wasn’t nearly as bad as the media was making it out to be. But that was just from a couple people, so their experiences may be singled out.
    I hope you paper goes well. Have a great summer and good luck in all you do. As for me, I can’t wait for graduation on Saturday!
